先週の金曜日 藤池先生と安保先生とトームと私は 四人と一緒 阪神野球ゲーム見に行った。相手はもっともっと強い横浜ベースターズです。結果は阪神が勝ち!良かったね。
この野球ゲームを見ることは 私の最初の体験です。日本には野球は本当に大人気なスポーツです。日本のスポーツを考えると 伝統的なのは 相撲を始めます。その後やっぱり野球と思う。私にとっては 野球は見慣れていないから 規則とか選手の名前とかあまり知らないです。でも 日本と言えば日本に滞在する時 絶対一回野球競争の経験が欲しいから 甲子園へ行った。
甲子園はその試合の野球場です。接近してると本当に生き生きな感じが溢れます。場所がにぎやかなで 人が多かった!甲子園の玄関の前野球お土産を売ってる屋台がいっぱい並んでいる。その時駅とか周りの街道とか本当活気に満ちたと思う!
Just outside Koshien stadium before the game between Hanshin Tigers and Yokohama Baystars
It was my first time to a baseball game and though I am not a huge fan of baseball, it was really worth the time and effort to make the trip to Koshien. The atmosphere was so good. Fans turned up in jerseys to support their teams, had all those wacky batons and the place was really lively. The picts show it all.
The crowd
An exhuberant embrace between a security officer and a fan
Balloons dotting the night sky after the 7th inning
The professional cheerleaders
Mi with some fans!
Mi with 2 handsome hunks!
Won The Game Tigers!!!
And a beautiful picture of the night setting in... :)
Yeah, it was definitely quite an experience to attend a baseball game. It's one of those "must-do things" if you stay in Japan. I donned the Tigers Jersey courtesy of James. :) One thing I walked away with from the game was how uniform the Japanese were. They sang together, beat their batons together... everyone of them knew how to cheer and sway or clap unanimously. And each player has his own special cheer. Amazing.
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