Friday, September 06, 2019

The Upcoming ABC Trip

I have never encountered before such warm and amazing customer service, kind patience, go-the-extra-mile, assuring service until last week, and I was really really impressed. I do not know this person; we've been liaising via email and whatsapp an upcoming study trip, and all I know is - he can read my concerns and understand what I need. I am really just wow-ed by the excellent service. And then, I found out today that he's been PM and his family's travel escort. No wonder.

I certainly feel very warm and touched - to know that there are folks like that who really go the extra extra mile, and are passionate about what they do. The job is not merely just a job. It is only meaningful when one pours his energy, heart and dedication to it. Maybe it sounds cliche; maybe it really is. But when I see a person who is dedicated, heart-and-soul, I think this is what life is about. 认真的人最有魅力。

And so, I will be headed towards "The Startup Nation" end of September for an ABC Tech Study Trip. It is to study their entrepreneurship and start-up ecosystem, including visiting the many ABC Tech Firms. My job is really very enriching and exciting. So tech and XC - seems like a very unlikely combi. Entrepreneurship and XC? Maybe more possibilities. I am not a self-professed techie person, but yet, I enjoy discovery and learning. I enjoy the "ideation, creation, seeing to fruition", and the "conceptualisation, stitching parts" too. And technology certainly provides so many possibilities.

And so, while I never thought I would travel in September, now I am excited again. Very looking forward. It's just part and parcel of the work ride in this season. I am also very thankful, because this is the land that I will have to somehow, sooner or later, visit one day!

As I count my blessings tonight, the black dark hues have enveloped the region.
It is still very warm and humid, though it certainly is less hot than before.
I did my 1st run here outdoors in many months, and it was so so humid and the air felt very heavy. Still, I felt so so good thereafter. :)

It's so beautiful. :) Even the sweat is a part of the whole experience.

Monday, September 02, 2019

Happy Meal

I just have to make a note here. Tonight, we had the most awesome dinner. Actually, it was going to be the same same for me, but during the mid-day, he decided he would do a BKT.

I had already taken out my fish head to defrost. So the fishy business remained.
Just that now there's also some meat. :-D

The meal was superb.
The BKT soup tasted absolutely delicious - that pepperish, garlicky hot soup just made it all so worthwhile!
I didn't take any of the meat though, cos I fished.
But the soup and garlic was just more than enough.

Never knew - that I could taste a shiok BKT here.

Dinner tonight. :-D

The remnants. For Supper. :-D