Sunday, January 20, 2019


Sundays are just too beautiful. :) I have my me-time today with Steve working the morning shift, and I had awoken early, took K out for a nice long walk, did laundry and am having a nice cuppa now. What better time than a Sunday to thank God for the week and life, and to spend some nice lone time writing, reading.

New favourite place for the moment
It's been cold and windy the last few weeks. In the mornings, sometimes it goes down to 15 deg, and I will have to wrap myself with jackets and blankets. :) Afternoons are much nicer - warmer and yet cool at the same time. So when it is that little bit warmer, I go to my new favourite place of the apartment - the balcony. :) It is a really nice and cosy corner. I sit out there, Kenji lounging with me, reading and having a nice coffee. 感觉很舒服。

My boyfriend
This last week, again, in knowing that it is "Singapore beckons", I feel both a little excited and a little wistful - excited because going home is really really nice. :) Meet family and friends, go into office for real f2f interaction, but a little wistful because for 5+ weeks, it is goodbye to Kenji (mostly Kenji, some parts Steve. :p). So I have been spending more time with Kenji this week, hugging him more, longer walks, playing with him and his squeaky pigs and giraffes.

Me and my batman this morn.

The fastidious, proud, handsome face.

I took some nice pictures of the sunset recently, and remarked that in SG, I don't seem to have seen such beautiful sunsets, and Steve told me that that's because I've never taken the time to appreciate the dusks. Most times, we would still be in office, finishing that last meeting, sending out that last email. Maybe that's true too. :) Here, I manage my own time, and in this winter season, I walk K slightly earlier, maybe about 5pm, so that there's still that little bit of sun as we take the evening walks.

My attempt at Marie-Kondo-ing
And while the world went crazy over Marie Kondo, whether supporters or critics, I agree that cleaning and tidying can be so therapeutic too. The whole notion of "sparking joy" to me, is a good psychological exercise and it brings energy and life to the soul. I find that it's true when I declutter (whether her style of making clothes stand or not), that I feel happier, lighter, more hopeful, more positive about doing life right. To me, that's the real beauty.

I did not even think about decluttering my own closet, because I know myself - I know I would just feel really really tired and give up. So I thought I would declutter Steve's many packets of noodles. Haha - I make the noodles stand. Haha - achievement unlocked.

Unlearning and Relearning 
Today, I would play tennis with Omar probably for one last time before returning to Singapore. I've recently been trying to hit with single right forehand. I've always done it double - and only seriously thought about changing to single this week actually. It's really hard - but I will continue to try. :) Simple goal for 2019 this year.

He says that Singaporeans are his favourite students. :))

Lastly, super thankful for Robert again - we had a meal together at this Korean restaurant by the golf course. It's simple and nice. They will move out of Rihan Heights too - and future meet-ups will take more effort. Still, we have started on this journey of IRN - may that materialize meaningfully and impactfully.

This Korean restaurant here sells soju and beer. We had a blast time! The next time we meet - it will be at their new humongous place (5000 sqft!!!).

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Of Designs and DKBH

Saturdays are always so lovely. :) Feels like it's really time to wind down, play tennis, have nice lunches, take naps, watch EPL, shop and grocery, and write blogs. :))

These last 2 Saturdays were really nice.

Went to Lily's new place last Saturday and boy, it was really nice to see her duplex unit. So cosy, with a killer view. We wondered how it would be like without Kenji - whether we would still have chosen Rihan Heights, or explore the other areas here. Lily and Herman have moved to Nation Towers, which is just by the Corniche area, so it's really great for walking and jogging.

I have always been intrigued by interior design and homes, including how people live their lives in these homes, and I saw a flavour of that in Lily's place, with the armchairs, paintings, lamps, decorative pieces. The way the space is managed, the deco, the design and shape of the living space - all provides the space for creativity and flow. :) So nice.

The 2 bedrooms are upstairs. Reminds me of our Pasir Ris EM, and I think if we live in such a space here, Kenji would be very happy. He can play catching, and hide and seek with us again.

And see the killer view (zoom in and zoom out) :-0
The Corniche stretch is about 8km long, a waterfront that includes separate cycle and pedestrain pathways, cafes and restaurants and also private beach access. Really nice. :) This place is about 20km from where Rihan is, and we never really thought of strolling along this part of the beach though we've driven past it many times. Maybe one day.

Coupled with good hospitality, lunch, coffee and conversation - it was just very nice to catch up and enjoy a chill day.

And well, that was last week. Today, this Saturday, saw us eating Deh-Kar-Bee-Hoon. Haha.
I saw the DKBH pic when Veronica was visiting and omy, all I could think about was DKBH. Actually, it's not that I am so into it, but strangely, I could see and smell Jubilee's DKBH in my mind.

So Ernest decided to cook for us, using the Narcissus cans of stewed pork.

It was really kinda fun and cosy - doing lunch together (ALL his effort), after a morning tennis session. And it was not just DKBH. There's also herbal chicken soup. It was just.... so good.

So we had the DKBH, the herbal chicken soup and Salamat had pizza. :-p
We "supped" so much of the good, home-cooked food. If Ernest, you are reading this, I want some more. :-D

And he lives in a hotel apartment with a killer view too.
A bachelor's pad, and a very comfortable one too.

The view is of the Corniche as well, taken from another angle.

Saturdays are just nice. Slow down, chill, unwind.

Monday, January 07, 2019

Dating @ Jebel Hafeet

Today was kind of nice. It's not often that Steve's off-days coincide with my weekends (and where I am in AD and we have nothing on), but this time, it did. :) So, we decided to do a road trip to Jebel Hafeet in Al Ain, about a 1.5 hr drive from where we are.

The whole experience was nice, relaxed and chill.
We didn't do anything much - it was just a pleasant outing, one where we didn't have to wake up early in the morning for, where we just felt - OK, let's just enjoy the day type.

Jeble Hafeet is Abu Dhabi's tallest peak, and the second tallest in the whole UAE, and it borders Oman. Because Sunday is a work day, the roads were really uncrowded and the scenery to Al Ain brought back memories of 2.5 years ago when he went for his APC. We passed by stretches of sand that turned into sand and rose-lined stretches, into the garden city. Al Ain is known as a garden city, and because of my recent Ghana experience, we talked about how there's deliberate township planning.

The highways and streets were lined with nice and neat rows of trees and shrubs as we neared Al Ain. :) Very much like SG. Very beautiful day. :) 心情舒服。

But... the speed limit was totally not like SG. First time we went up to 160km/hr, first time we drove through the mountain roads. He drove up, I drove down. It's pretty fun, and a little exciting.

Some houses / villas against the mountainous backdrop as we neared. I think human kind would always be in awe by God's beautiful creation. :) I wondered how the people in the past lived. According to records, over 500 ancient burial tombs dating back 5000 years were found at the foothills. Civilization then and their lives must have been really really different. Furthermore, even as we know this region to be a desert and arid area, according to archaeologists, it might not be so thousands of years ago, where the sea of sand in the UAE was in the past literally under water.

So we reached the peak and took a walk around the area.
It was about 3.45pm at the peak, the temp a nice 20 deg (I estimate), and because it was sunny and windy, 心情真的很舒服。


And that single lone restaurant at the foot of the mountain. :)

It was a day that started and ended well. :)
He got a recall for night shift and we couldn't stay for sunset. We had thought of exploring Al Ain a little more. Perhaps, to go back to the Bryani restaurant for dinner. But, another time.

Thank God for a little beautiful exploration today.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

4 things that I thank God for 1st morning of 2019

This morning, I woke up to "A Pure Heart, that's what I long for".

I slept very well last night, thinking about why a new year has so much significance all over the world. We set resolutions, we set goals, dare to dream a little bigger, hope a little more. Different ones plaster FB and Social media with all the "Happy New Year" messages, similar to milestone celebrations like Christmas. So, I got inspired by Janelle - she sent me a puppy shiba thinking he's batman. I decided to do the same for Kenji... so Happy New Year everyone. May you dare to dream, believe, imagine. :-D

I had a very good end-of-year season this year. Time slowed down in these last 2 weeks, leaving more time for fellowship with friends here in Abu Dhabi, with time to stock-take and thank God for the work year 2018, with long walks with Kenji, with me-time enjoying simplest things like grocery shopping, with trying to get back my fitness with some runs and tennis, with enjoying books and dramas, with Steve and I just talking and enjoying each other's presence. :)) I feel happy, and ready for this new year this morning.

For friendship with Sean 
Grateful for the friendship with Sean. Sean is the "garang", 讲义气, I settle for you" type, and he always stands up for what he believes is right. It's an uncanny friendship between him and Steve... so glad that they can support each other in work here. We celebrated Christmas together, and Hui Ning will move over early 2019 :)) So lovely.

Steve is so funny. He says that the photographer's hand "zhun". Hahahaha.

For SJ and Nikko - FO@SSG 2018
As I stock-take and cleaned my desk, I thanked God for SJ and Nikko. They are the ones who make my remote arrangement work, "carrying and lugging" me into meetings and discussions with heavy laptops and chargers and ipads and cameras, being patient when the connection goes awry, accommodate my timing as I am in a different time zone. Maybe some see remote work as a privilege. But to me, remote work is... just work... nothing changes and work gets done, just in a different physical location. It is really the effort of the individual, the whole team and the leader - who makes the arrangement possible and successful. So thank you SJ and Nikko.

See - to participate in SSG's active competition, we did crazy things like remotely timing our actions. It is the effort we all put in, that enabled my work. 感恩。

They are also the ones who spur me on, who provide that adrenaline and good stress. I never knew that I took so much notes. But I did... I took so much notes in 2018 (10 books?!), the most ever in my decade-long career in SSG (then-WDA). The learning and development has been incredible and I pray that this year, I continue to expand in my thinking, continue to grow. I am so thankful this morning. :)

I am still old-school. I love the feel of scribbled pages, that texture of written ink on paper. If you add in digital notes, then it will be even more :-0. And I categorized them into the work months and have placed them into a file. FO@SSG 2018.

For my failures
I am thankful for the failures that I went through too... for actually, these are the most important lessons in 2018. For knowing that I am very weak and yet in Him, there's strength and forgiveness. I did and said things I shouldn't have, I didn't do the things that I should have. I crumbled many times, but then again, stand up and believe in His mercies being new every morning. In the depths of my heart, there are stories and journeys untold - only Jesus knows.

Many mornings and evenings at MacRitchie reservoir, loving the lone time spent with Abba Father, renewing my spirit.

For being alive, strong and physically well
I thank God for physical health too.... God knows how many laps I swam, how I sometimes forced my tired body to just run, tennis.... And I am glad to have the strength - to exercise and keep fit. It's not just the keeping fit bit. I work out because the feeling of being alive and breathing hard keeps me energized... it dispels negativity, clears my mind, strengthens me. Sweat, is the antidote to emotional downswings.

Last run in 2018.
I love K's cheeky look! He came to look for me at the tracks after my run, with Steve of course. 💗

It's been great. There are so many things to thank God for this beautiful morning. :)

I started my morning with "A pure heart, that's what I long for..."
Create in my a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psalms 51:10)
May I live this out in 2019. That's what I want to stand on this year.

(Piano cover -
"A pure heart, that's what I long for
A heart that follows hard, after thee

A heart that hides your words
So that sin will not come in
A heart that's undivided
But one you rule and reign

A heart that beats compassion
That pleases you my Lord
A sweet aroma of worship
That rises to your throne."