Sunday, January 20, 2019


Sundays are just too beautiful. :) I have my me-time today with Steve working the morning shift, and I had awoken early, took K out for a nice long walk, did laundry and am having a nice cuppa now. What better time than a Sunday to thank God for the week and life, and to spend some nice lone time writing, reading.

New favourite place for the moment
It's been cold and windy the last few weeks. In the mornings, sometimes it goes down to 15 deg, and I will have to wrap myself with jackets and blankets. :) Afternoons are much nicer - warmer and yet cool at the same time. So when it is that little bit warmer, I go to my new favourite place of the apartment - the balcony. :) It is a really nice and cosy corner. I sit out there, Kenji lounging with me, reading and having a nice coffee. 感觉很舒服。

My boyfriend
This last week, again, in knowing that it is "Singapore beckons", I feel both a little excited and a little wistful - excited because going home is really really nice. :) Meet family and friends, go into office for real f2f interaction, but a little wistful because for 5+ weeks, it is goodbye to Kenji (mostly Kenji, some parts Steve. :p). So I have been spending more time with Kenji this week, hugging him more, longer walks, playing with him and his squeaky pigs and giraffes.

Me and my batman this morn.

The fastidious, proud, handsome face.

I took some nice pictures of the sunset recently, and remarked that in SG, I don't seem to have seen such beautiful sunsets, and Steve told me that that's because I've never taken the time to appreciate the dusks. Most times, we would still be in office, finishing that last meeting, sending out that last email. Maybe that's true too. :) Here, I manage my own time, and in this winter season, I walk K slightly earlier, maybe about 5pm, so that there's still that little bit of sun as we take the evening walks.

My attempt at Marie-Kondo-ing
And while the world went crazy over Marie Kondo, whether supporters or critics, I agree that cleaning and tidying can be so therapeutic too. The whole notion of "sparking joy" to me, is a good psychological exercise and it brings energy and life to the soul. I find that it's true when I declutter (whether her style of making clothes stand or not), that I feel happier, lighter, more hopeful, more positive about doing life right. To me, that's the real beauty.

I did not even think about decluttering my own closet, because I know myself - I know I would just feel really really tired and give up. So I thought I would declutter Steve's many packets of noodles. Haha - I make the noodles stand. Haha - achievement unlocked.

Unlearning and Relearning 
Today, I would play tennis with Omar probably for one last time before returning to Singapore. I've recently been trying to hit with single right forehand. I've always done it double - and only seriously thought about changing to single this week actually. It's really hard - but I will continue to try. :) Simple goal for 2019 this year.

He says that Singaporeans are his favourite students. :))

Lastly, super thankful for Robert again - we had a meal together at this Korean restaurant by the golf course. It's simple and nice. They will move out of Rihan Heights too - and future meet-ups will take more effort. Still, we have started on this journey of IRN - may that materialize meaningfully and impactfully.

This Korean restaurant here sells soju and beer. We had a blast time! The next time we meet - it will be at their new humongous place (5000 sqft!!!).

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