Sunday, February 03, 2019

My Epiphany

Yesterday in service, Pst Bob preached about joy, that the Chinese character 喜, in its root form is actually made up of 2 characters - signifying 壴 (instruments, band and music) and 口 (our mouth and voice to make a cheerful noise). Every year, as we count down towards CNY, I am always thankful that it is like a new beginning, again. That this is the goodness of God, there is a re-new beginning from Jan 1st. Even if we've had a bad start to the year or fouled-up, there is a new chance to re-start. And hence, we can take heart, be joyful, and celebrate.

And this year, since it is about 喜, it is about that joy in the Lord being my strength, regardless of seasons and times. It is about Rejoicing in Him, always.

I've had an epiphany this week. In work discussions, suddenly, it crashed upon me how a job is not just a job. It is more than doing well at a given task, more than seeing the job as a means of livelihood (I am sure this is just my own reflection and others may feel differently, and that's all right too). But... it crashed upon me that the vocation for that particular season in time - will be one of a "Responsible Professional" and a "Leadership Professional". This came from conversations with SJ, and I left the conversation feeling that I've really learnt a lot. A responsible professional will think deeply, be curious about his / her work, gives his best, go beyond what's required. Because the notion of a professional is - a professional, in all sense of the word. It will be oxymoronic if the professional doesn't take responsibility for his own profession. The professional will not just execute his task, but be held accountable to high standards for his profession - and that means he will also learn and develop to become the best professional he can be. 

A professional can only be called a true professional as he becomes really good in what he does, and leads and brings others along, driving change for the better along the way. I ponder about the notion of doing good work, influencing change, thinking about the skills agenda and thinking about passion, being purpose-driven. I coined "purposeful passionate professional" in one conversation, and while my thoughts are all over, they certainly are, because I think, I am becoming clearer and more purposeful in my own work. 

May God continue to give me the wisdom and the understanding in all that I do.

And so, I've had several meetings, dinners, conversations, catch-ups this last 6 days. Time again, dunno go where?! But it is all so so so so good. So good. Unbelievably engaged and fulfilling. In the midst of all the busyness, I attempted a most incredible thing yesterday - ran up Bukit Timah hill. It was that "just say yes", and then "just do it". I went with Perry who already knew that whole area so well. The morning was beautiful - I have never been to Bukit Timah area to run, and I just love the fresh air, the exploration and nice surprises (like crossing BKE, like seeing some rapids, some camps, some mountain bikers zone, etc). It was really such a great way to usher in the weekend!

CNY is just round the corner. And Steve is returning back home tomorrow. Counting down. 
Tonight will be some lou hei and fellowship with good friends. This 2019 - will be one filled with much 喜。 

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