Sunday, February 10, 2019

From CNY Fatigue to Loving It

Beginning of the week was the CNY celeb, and by the end of Day 1, I had an unceasing headache, and by the end of Day 2, I popped 2 paracetamol tablets. I wondered if anyone felt like me - that while CNY was definitely a time of celebration and rejoicing, it is sooooo tiring as well.

Again, the usual festivities, feastings, fellowship continued thru'out the week, including a whirlwind trip for Steve (back for less than 2.5 days). And certainly, amidst all the food, most important of all is the fellowship. I think absence makes the heart fonder. The quality of fellowship with family and friends have grown richer. (I noticed alot of the words in this para starts with "f"!).

This year is special because all 3 of us sisters were home - all at the same time. And Tiffany and Trevor are so loved. Cheeky, and beautiful kids. :-D

A most special visit this year round was to David's house.
David was one of those who interviewed me more than a decade ago, and I ended up in a most unusual job role working on Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) - which is so so unlike me. However, I was really touched by his sincerity thru' the interview process, and then, the rest is history. I realised I have been with SSG (WDA) for a really long time.

His family has grown fond of Kenji over the years and they have pet-sit Kenji in the past. It was so memorable. Now, they have their own Yoshi. :) It's the second time I meet Yoshi, and she's grown so well - obedient, lovely and loves to chase after moving things (like Kenji). :-D
I've been really blessed by David and his family - their warmth and hospitality, and 家常饭。真的感恩。

See Yoshi's face - haha. refuses to face camera.

And CNY just came and went like that.
I thank God for the 2 runs I managed to do too. :-D
Yesterday morning was so good! I said I felt fatigue in the early part of the week, but yesterday, I felt strong! Went with Perry and friends for a run - and we did about 19km! Haha, and I felt strong!! And, the night before, I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to manage the long run. But I was so glad so glad I did.

This time round, from MacRitchie, we went to the treetop walk, passed the BKE, thru' the Durian Loop, passed Temask Club, saw some railway tracks, went to the Singapore quarry, and also again to BTH. I was really very happy. It's just a very nice way to spend a morning even though I had to wake up at 6.15am for it.

Yay - so glad I did the run / walk / hike.

The very very nice and warm fuzzy feeling after a good run. And.... I met Selena at BTH too. Seems like everyone likes a nice morning exercise. :-D

Oh - and did i mention that I saw an uncle painter, as well as a huge water lizzie?? (I think it is a lizzie).

I really enjoyed the morning run because it provided a change in the environment, which from research, is good because it stimulates perspectives and thinking. The getting away helps one recharge, and find joy. I didn't think about anything in particular, and was careful not to slip and fall again. I think I also need a new pair of shoes because the current pair of Asics has really no more grip. So when I went down-slope, I focused on not falling. When I go up at certain points, I tell myself not to stop and to keep going. When the roads are flat, I admired the new sights like the several nice bungalows we passed by too. When we stopped for breaks, I just felt so good! And when we finally finished the run, I was thankful and feeling all the good effects of the endorphin rush. It was well-worth waking up at 6.15am. :-D

And as Sunday draws to a close, I also calmed down a little. The week has been jetting from 1 episode to another - and finally, it's the close of the week. 真的是很充实的一周。

I counted my blessings as I finished the week with a short run at MR Pranus Trail. The dusk, once again, is so beautiful. :))

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