Saturday, March 28, 2020

Amidst all the madness

This must have been a most interesting and different season for the whole world. Certainly, all countries are doing their best to fight covid, and I like The Economist's visual last week - that the world is sick; it has closed.

(Credit: The Economist)

Much madness and the UAE has implemented a strict curfew from last Thursday to Sunday to carry out city disinfectant. Basically, it's like a lock-down and one might be fined or jailed, and probably this is a similar situation in many parts of the world. I mistakenly typed "city flogging" in a message to a friend. :-} it's fogging. Ha.
So we decided to do one last walk together on Thursday evening.

Sean and Huining are going to move to another part of Abu Dhabi come April. Still, it's the friendship ties. :)

Well, I muse a little about this season because suddenly, remote work has become the rage and a global phenomenon, and there's so much talk about it that I see it in articles, workshops, webinars, news, etc, etc. It's just incredible to me. I like Yuvah Noah Harari's recent article and how he describes the new-world order, where much will change, simply because as a result of a global emergency, now, health is a way more important issue than surveillance amongst many other contentious issues. Also, the talk about e-learning, remote work can go on for ages, but now, because of covid, the change is pushed to the forefront and happens, immediate.

I also muse about this remote work bit because I really think it is - Just do it. Make it work, and it will work. And it will then become the next new norm.

And so, today, I am pretty much stuck at home (safe for walking K for his pee and poo break around Rihan). And finally, I thought I could pen down some thoughts.

The past month just flew by - and I've been back for about 3 weeks now, and actually, the first week was very tough. I wondered if anyone is like me? I keep thinking about the parallel of my life in Singapore - like what I would be doing at 2pm - would I be in a meeting, having a discussion over coffee, or? And then Saturday - I would be running from MR to BTH, and enjoying my sunbask, and missing the SG parallel, and the work too - the bit where I would miss all the colleagues and physical interaction (because I am remote).

Thankfully, week 1 passed, and week 2 became better and normal, with some good dinners outside, fellowship with friends here and also tennis.
And week 3 suddenly became wrapped around soaring covid number spikes, closure of restaurants and public places, and now this curfew.

Still - life goes on. And there really is no lack of things to learn, think about, books to read, netflixes to watch... and work to do. :-D
I am pretty much at ease and have totally gone back into the AD regime. Today, Saturday, laundry day and spending the morning with Kenji and Steve, and eating laksa lunch before he went to work, a zoom discussion with Nancy... all pretty normal and normalcy is good. :)
I am excited too - Nancy and I are discussing co-authoring a think piece on "The Future of Higher Education"... let's see where this will lead. She and I did a session at a conference here last year - there's some 默契. :) and I'd be glad to collaborate again.

And something lighter - last night Kenji was really so funny. I fell asleep on the sofa while waiting for Steve to come back from work, and guess what. He die die has to squeeze into his spot (and it was a very narrow spot) for him. It was his first time doing this. I could feel him jump up to the sofa, curl himself up and then make himself comfortable. I think I was in lala land, but could feel it. This morning, I woke up to some pictures. 

Steve 偷拍。Super unglam, but nevermind. Kenji 真的好可爱。😍