Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Today, time stood still

Today, time stood relatively still. 

I started reading "Before the coffee gets cold", and it tells of 4 different stories interwoven together, in a cafe, where time travel is possible, but with certain conditions. I finished the first story, and it piqued me enough to want to continue. She wanted to get back to the day where she could tell her boyfriend to stay, and it was an interesting depiction of how no matter what, the present cannot be changed, and the first story ended with the hope that we can always create the future. I found it alluring, to some extent, how the author was able to cleverly include the various elements of the reality, into a fictitious settings, and where all of us, at some point or another, would have thought about travelling back in time, the "what-ifs", even for pragmatists. 

I suppose this season is a season of "road not taken", "new beginnings", "possible futures", and there will not be another same season like this again. 

I came back from Berlin, and felt recharged and rejuvenated work-wise. Professionally, it was a very good time of networking and discussions, and learning how academics work, think, thrive - is also definitely enriching, and to hear some real nuggets from the Germans themselves, I was thankful. The panel and sharing, was also a good way for me to challenge myself, to know how I would respond on the spot, and not only that, but to share useful insights on both SG and AD. Of course, I had some butterflies. I can so vividly remember telling Shan and Jonas that I am going to disappear that day during lunch, just so I can go into my own space to breathe, and to process the various myriad thoughts and scenarios. 

I, for one, would not be able to just memorize and read off anything. I also came to realize that I need to listen, and to trust my own flow. SJ was right in that respect. She told me I will do very well. And that once I start, I will be in the flow. And, I so enjoyed the rich sharings and discussions. It is almost as if I have to know the audience, understand where they are headed towards and what they would be interested in, and then listen to the discussions, the critiques and comments, and the questions asked, and then provide my own inputs. I love this challenge. 

So Berlin has been tremendous. In fact, all the key trips this year have been tremendous. I did not plan for Japan; it just happened. I did not plan for Berlin; it just happened too. And it was also the UEFA Cup season in Berlin, and it so happened that Shan was able to join in as well. The week was so enriching for me. And to return to Abu Dhabi - while that in itself is a very welcoming thought (this place I now call home, and to get back into the structured routing), I also started to think about possible next areas of learning and improvement. 

The 44-yr old in me, just seems to have so much energy. 

I share some amazing nuggets and pictures here. Nowadays, it's become almost a routine for me to create a simple video. It is to help myself remember, and I started out doing this to learn how to use the video editing software. Beautiful Berlin (ooops, and I think my previous Berlin trip, I described it the same). 

Today, time really felt still. Office was slightly abuzz with reporting updates, considering future possibilities, and even, playing EID games. It is nice for a change; I think we all had some fun. And lunch too - a combination of my favourite local coffee and quiches. :)) 

I love this song that came on as I was running last night. It is a combination of 2 of my favourite songs. 


It is so amazing how music can soothe the soul. :))

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