Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Be Steady

This morning, I told myself
Be Calm, Don't react
Let the dust settle, let myself be me
Don't fret, don't wonder
Be me, be filled with the Fruits of the Spirit
Be steady. 

And, next week, I will be headed to Berlin with Shan. It's gonna be such a good time out, with much learning and networking and engagements, but also with exploring Berlin and perhaps a day trip out. HK, Japan, both came and went. I think this year will be peppered with such nuggets of exploration and excitement. 

I wonder how much I've come in terms of tennis. The recent sessions have been very enjoyable. Changing some techniques are hard, and yet once I get it, it feels so good. 

Singapore will beckon again in July. I am so looking forward. 

I suppose this morning, just tapping away here is therapy for me. Again, the full work day is still ahead. Be calm, be still, be steady. 

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