Saturday, April 11, 2020

My little Birdy adventure

This morning, I woke up really early, again, and while running around the compound, I found an injured young bird, and it was just not moving. I moved towards it, and it was shaking a little, but still, it did not move away. It looked like it had a broken or sprained limb.

I wondered what I could do - pick it up in my cap, and bring it home to nurse it? Leave it there, and maybe the bird family will take care of their own? I really thought for a while, and eventually, decided that I should see how to nurse it back to health.

So, I went back home, woke Steve up, and we decided to go find Birdy. If it were still there, we would see how to take care of it for a while. So, I took some ammunition with me - a plastic bag (cheesecake factory), a small holder (KFC plate), some paper towels, and went back to Birdy. I gingerly lifted it up into the holder and brought it back home in the plastic bag. It stayed still and quiet throughout. There was no resistance at all.

I didn't know if what I was doing was the right thing, but I knew that there is a possibility that the cleaners and sweepers might just sweep little Birdy away. I googled later, and it was a good thing to do, according to one US website. :-D

I took a shoebox, laid it with some paper towels, and put a small small tray of water and broke some breadcrumbs. It would be a temporary shelter for Birdy for now, at the balcony. The lid is left open, and it could leave any time it wanted. And Birdy did eat and drink after a while, and also poo-poo-ed.

About 5hrs later, it seemed more comfortable, and also tried to flap and moved around more. It jumped gingerly, and perched itself on a part of the balcony peripheral. And Kenji was aggrieved. I took a video - he was so so so upset with Birdy. After he knew there was no way to reach Birdy, he gave up, and just stared intently at Birdy.

So funny. I spent some good time just looking at them both.

And Birdy tried to move around a little more. It hopped a little and then fell again.
I went out to the balcony to sayang Birdy, and Kaypoh Kenji tried to follow. :-0

After a while, I put Birdy back into the shoebox. As it starts to move around a bit more and becomes stronger, I'll bring it back to the field. :)

A little Birdy Adventure this morning. :-D


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