Sunday, March 03, 2019

Getting a little bit lost

The pounding was good for my soul
I explored and ran alone
Countless thoughts ran thru' my mind
The joggers and hikers passed me by

I reached that intersection
To Bukit Timah or back to Mac
I decided to go back to Mac
And then the adventure began

I've gone right into SICC
and brought some hikers with me.
I heard them whisper behind me.
She looks like she knows where she's going.

And then... I found that I couldn't really get back
To the familiar terrain and tracks
I had wondered in too deep.
I had gone right into SICC.

I wasn't afraid I would get lost
I was just amused I ended in a club.
I had nothing on that Sat morn.
I really wanted just to run and feel.

Maybe I needed to add a few more km to my run
And then a small bus stopped right in front
Uncle beckoned me to get on it
And, inside, the hikers waved to me.

And so we got off at Lornie Road
And it became once again familiar to me.
I ran towards Braddell Hill
In my mind, so so amused. :-D

My little Sat morn adventure

The pretty golf course - and the beautiful morning. Get lost, but enjoy the moment.

And the funny hikers - I think they asked Uncle to stop for me. :-D

It was just hilarious to me. I think my running mates would be so disappointed that I got lost?! But yet, I didn't at any moment felt unsafe. I think... the whole journey of exploration and getting lost is just the way perhaps I feel some times in my life.

I've been back in SG for really long, and everyday continues to be an adventure, most days are really good though some days, I do get lost and emotional in my own translation of life and meaning, but as always, clarity comes thru' the word of God.
Yesterday's service brought everything together. It was as if I was reminded of 1st Jan, 2019.
The tying together of a pure heart (being undivided in my thoughts - which Master do I serve?) and my favourite Matthew 6:25-34 (do not worry - seek God first).

I am super super thankful that it's been a great quarter. I look forward to spending the last 2 weeks here in SG, look forward to my last few runs, to more gatherings and celebrations, to spending time with Steve when he comes in next week, to doing meaningful work, to getting back to AD and seeing my darling Kenji.


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