Monday, November 06, 2006

A new pastime

Last Saturday, Yasu, my language exchange partner invited me for a hiking expedition with him up one of the mountains in Kobe... n of cos, i was excited n game! Well, I really really enjoyed myself tremendously. I love a good challenge and he told me that this was one of the easiest treks and well... it was absolutely fantastic, so good that I have decided that I'd invest in a good pair of hiking shoes and start exploring the area a bit more.

I walked from my house to Suzurandai station to meet him and then we were on our way after purchasing our bentos at Daiei. We went up Futatabi-san (再度山), and I was so surprised, cos upon reaching, I saw so many families and couples there. When we were trekking up the slopes, we met no one u see. Later I found out that these people could have driven up to the top.

It was sooooooooo nice. The air was fresh and crisp and there was a nice breeze... not too cold, just right for me. And the scenery was beautiful too. Leaves are turning red and fall colours.. beautiful autumn colours...

And I enjoyed my bento there, taking in everything around me. It was such a waste that I din bring along my camera, cos I thought probably there'll be nothing much for me to capture anyway. How wrong I was. Anyway, I took pics with my hp... and went snapping away like crazy.

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That's Yasu! He is 55 years old this year, and works as a trader. I am really glad to know him. :)
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After reaching Sannomiya, which took us about 3 hours, we went on to one of the famous tourist attractions, the Foreign Settlement Area. A long time ago, many foreigners came and settled in Kobe in this area and the architecture has been preserved. The buildings are so quaint and pretty, and there were many many tourists and Japanese visitors and... Akube (Haha.. a kansai slang to mean couples) This is a must-visit place if you drop by Kobe.

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Kuma-san and I
At one temple near Tokyu Hands, I saw Panda and took a picture with him. Haha, I really felt quite happy and child-like. Anyway dearie, if u r reading this, this picture is dedicated to u!
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At the end of the entire hike, still very very genki!
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We left Sannomiya at about 4pm and on my way home, I chanced upon this underground bookstore, arcade and table-tennis recreational centre. They looked really old and I thought it was really cool. I felt like I had just stepped into another time zone. The bookstore, arcade and table-tennis centre were just outside the underground train station at Kobe Kousoku and above the train station, you get the bustling metropolitan area.

Some ladies gathered together for a time of fun
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The books are really old and there is this musty smell and feel about the place. Yet there is quite a number of people standing there just browsing thru the books.
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I really felt very happy after the day. Though I was tired and suffered from slightly sore muscles, it was invigorating and rejuvenating. Walking alone through this foreign land without my loved ones by my side has taught me many things and I am continuing to learn daily. Thank God for the beautiful Saturday and for many more beautiful days to come. :)

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