Sunday, November 05, 2006

Have not blogged for quite some time... and i have much to write about.
First of all, specially to 5D, you have come so far!!!!! All the best for your examinations. You can do it... ALL THE BEST ALL THE BEST!!! GANBATTE NE!

N last Saturday, I went to USJ (Universal Studios Japan) in Osaka with Beth n 2 of the CG girls... Great fun, but there were so many people! N the running from place to place was exhausting...we were like kiasu singaporeans, running from one ride to another and in the end, we managed to get on quite a number of them. :)

Magical land
Think this is somewhere in Snoopy Land or Peanuts.. haha.. i dun remember! But it's so magical-looking and so nice... pretty...
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Spiderman - My favourite character! Anyway, we waited longest for this ride, but cos Beth brought with her cards so that we could play the time away, it wasn't that bad! Well, Spiderman says that with great power comes great responsibility... so true so true. I like Spiderman!
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The train bound for USJ is really kawaii yah... Oh yes, trains in Japan come in all sorts of colours. Really beautiful.
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Turkey Leg - Very nice and very expensive... looks like ice-cream right. Each leg costs about $7.80.
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Acting silly, Beth n I
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Peko-chan!!! So cute and looks like lala girl. haha.
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Ultra man - Specially for Ziwei! Ey, I haven't found ur 1960s Ultraman.. but this pict is for u lar. :D
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Halloween in USJ! Naho, Watashi, Chi n Beth!
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