Saturday, November 11, 2006

Good Old Telephone

I am in school this morning, and just had a nice glass of fresh milk. Today is our school's open house and Junior High students will visit the school, so Tom and I have to prepare an English lesson with games. :)

Well, last night, I had one of the best conversations with Steve since I arrived here. We talked for really long over the phone and I think both of us felt really happy, cos it's been a looooooooong time since we talked and communicated. Pastor Kong preached about communication during the Marriage seminar series and last night, we really communicated and this morning, when I woke up, I really felt so happy!

Anyway, I talked over the phone... using Brastel (an international phone card calling service) and yes, it is definitely more expensive than Skype, cos Skype is free. And I have used Skype so many times too and thank God for great technology and innovations but when we were talking over the phone, each lying on our beds, for me, warmly tucked in under the covers with the rain n wind outside, it was such a warm and familiar closeness to Steve that I felt. Skype is great cos i can see Steve's face if i want to... but lying there on the bed, talking about everything and nothing, I felt like I was transported back to the dating days, Sec Sch, JC days, where there was not yet Skype and where we used pagers and the Good Old Telephone. :)

I dunno if u feel the same way, but Tom did too. We were musing about this a few days ago on our way to 7-11 and we felt the same way!!! Nothing beats a good conversation over the phone and he told me he would rush home on his bike during lunch break in his uni days when he was in England, just to spend some precious minutes with his girlfriend who was in Tokyo then.

Ok, so here, I am gonna spend some hours in school and this afternoon, I will be off to either Osaka or Umeda with Holly! :D

5D, hang in there!

1 comment:

Fleur De La Lune said...

dear xiangcen.... everytime i read your blog........ i felt great quality of life!!!