Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tokyo Travels

Had a really wonderful time in Tokyo cos I met up with my host-stay family. I have not seen them for 5 loooooooooooooonnnnng years and it was wonderful to see them again. Mi very happy to meet them really.

N i went there and came back in a night bus. It was comfy and good enough, n i had a blanket, a pillow, slippers, n even coffee and tea in the bus. Very good and cheaper than travelling by the Shinkansen. I could sleep a little and at the same time, listen to my SONY mp3s and sermons. It was actually great!

Ok, so i din really do much in Tokyo. Met up with Lin Wei, a Eusoff friend, n then went to meet お母さん and お父さん。Went to Kawagoe, visited an old town from the Edo period, where the architecture is still preserved in some parts and bought Red Beans souvenirs for my neighbour and colleagues here. The red beans are really very very yummy!!!! No wonder they are a delicacy. :D

An old town in Kawagoe. It's a quaint little place that's bustling with life. Lots of tourists and visitors.

A shop selling ice-lollies. Looks like a movie setting perfect for those wu xia xiao shuo.

Otousan and Me

Mi posing during dinner

A sumptuous spread

Choco and me! I love Choco. He is trying to kiss me. keke. He is a wonderful dog and very very intelligent too. Well, there are 2 cats and 1 dog in the house. They can cause quite a din sometimes. :D

1 comment:

Fleur De La Lune said...

Dear sis! feel so happy looking at your blog here....... so interesting.... i really like the scenaries of the place you lived now....... its a serenity many Singaporeans would dream of! ;o)