Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Service in the Sun

Last weekend was the annual church 秋ぱれ (akipare)!I think it means something like a perfect autumn day. :D N it was. The sun was out, and we had service, praise and worship in the hills. Well, first time I took part in anything like this and though it was hard work getting everything ready, it was great fun and I got to know everyone much better.

Reached the church on Saturday evening to help out and stayed overnight with the girls. This year, they have been tasked to take care of the decorations and we blew dunno-how-may balloons. I've never blown so many balloons in my entire life before. The girls told me if I blow 50 balloons in a day, I will have great flat abs! haha.. so i tried my best lar.. but i dun think I have 6-pacs... maybe just 1 big round one.

Staying overnight with them was great fun too. Of course, I din get to sleep much. Studied with Yuriko n Chi till 3 plus, n got up at 6 to get ready. It was very good fellowship. I got to know the girls much better, n they are really hot on fire man! :D We prayed and had devotions together. Really really nice. :)

The entrance to the stage

The P&W team

During P&W

In the afternoon, the sports meet began. Well, it was really interesting, cos I haven't seen anything like this before. Sports Day in my school and in church are pretty similar. They are not competitive. Rather, the purpose of sports day is to cultivate team-spirit and togetherness. People cheer their hearts out and there are various interesting relays and whoever wants to take part can.

Well, the leaders of the church are dressed up as fairy-tale characters by their group members. The most beautiful princess, dressed up the fastest, will win this round! It was hilarious. I was one of the make-up artists of Cinderella, who unfortunatley refused to appear on this blog because of yet another uploading-picture glitch. Hrrruuuumph. And Cinderella won worrrr.

The sports meet took place all afternoon, and when the day ended, everyone got down to working, helping with the cleaning and transporting of all the various pieces of equipment back to church. It was definitely tiring, but at the end of it all, we had a great surprise. The pastor gave the workers and helpers a yummy pizza treat!

Praise the Lord for a successful 秋ぱれ!

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