Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My Lord is my shelter and strength

Today, I woke up feeling a bit down, maybe even sad. But it’s ok, isn’t it? All of us can’t escape from going through valleys in our life. That’s a guarantee. But valleys don’t keep going down. There will come a point when I go up again.

Guess there are a few main reasons why I feel this way. Maybe my expectations weren’t met. I suddenly remember this saying. If you expect nothing, you will receive nothing and then you won’t be disappointed. Have you heard that before? I don’t believe in that. I really want to expect great things to happen, and have the hope and faith that they will happen.

Maybe it’s the weather. It’s been getting colder. Sometimes, I wake up in the night shuddering. Last night, I woke up at 4plus to use the toilet. Yet, I guess the weather doesn’t condition itself to suit me. I have to adapt to it.. n that I will. Actually, though I am apprehensive, I am also excited, cos I haven’t encountered cold weather, and it will be really exciting and an eye-opener to me.

Actually, I know that deep inside me, though I may feel down some days, I have a certain strength that doesn’t come from me. It is a strength that only God can give, a strength that gives me the confidence and assurance that all will be well. How do I know? I know because I know.

N so, I am going to meditate on God’s Word. I am a conqueror in Christ Jesus.


Anonymous said...

Yup yup. You're STRONG sister! =)

Mummy Kless said...

Jia you, Xiangcen.. sometimes pursuing a dream in a foreign land has its downs.. but that's what makes the whole experience memorable & meaningful. I am sure u've become even stronger through it all. :)

Fleur De La Lune said...

Dear sis, sometimes i feel like u too. And u're so right, there's a certain strength we rely on, and its not from us.

As i read your posts, and write down my own posts, i felt strength arising even from blogging. Cos thru' it all, God is glorified too.