Thursday, September 07, 2006


I came back with Holly after shopping for groceries and it was dark and raining... n we were both soaked, cos we had only one umbrella. It was also cold and I was hungry too. Ermm... not exactly a very nice feeling...

However, when I reached my apartment block and saw the lights on on the 2nd n 4th floor landings, I really felt so thankful. Most of you may not know this.. but when I first arrived, I had no lights at all on the 2nd n 4th floors, n it was dark and creepy. It was strange why this was so, cos all other units in my block had lights on at their landings, except for my particular staircase. I stay on the 5th floor, so when I go home, and when it's dark, it's kinda unsafe and eerie.

And I tried to get the problem solved, n spoke to many many many many people. The problem remained for a month.. n yesterday, I had such a HUGE surprise, cos when I reached home, I saw the lights on. Someone must have helped me. I know it's amazing cos Jennifer, my predecessor couldn't get it to work when she was here, which means the problem must have existed for a looooooooooooonng time. I really thank God for the lights. Haha.. Let there be light! N also to the someone who has helped me with it. I really dunno who you are, but I really appreciate the kindness.

N...... Get ready for this.

So I climbed up 5 levels, n reached my house wet and uncomfortable... n

I was so so so surprised. Took the paper bag into the house, n tada.. there was dinner inside. My gosh.. for a moment, I stood there, stunned. I just thanked God in my heart, knowing that He is indeed a good and faithful God.

The dinner was made by my kind neighbour, Chisato. She is Takarada Sensei's wife, and the family is really kind to me. They have helped me so much, getting my fly screens fixed up for me and inviting me to their house for dinner... Totally touched by what I saw in the paper bag, I decided to make kaya toast for them a second time. Their kids love Kaya toast!

I had kaya from Ya Kun, a surprise gift from Steve.. n it was so good. Thanks dear, for this surprise!

Anyway, yup, i made it and brought it over... n it was such joy to see Mayu, Momo and Kosei eating them! :)

I came back n enjoyed the wonderful dinner too. Really delicious. Simple fare, but sooooo nice. I love the vegetables. Got lotsa tau gei! I like!!! Tasty and healthy. Chisato san is an awesome cook. Even the coffee she makes tastes different. Maybe it's cos there is love and warmth in it. :)

Thank God for His goodness and my kind neighbours.


Anonymous said...


GOD bless! my friend, it is nice to see that you are in good hands...haha and your dinner sure looks good....yum yum... well anyway, it is the sept break and the school is really quiet now....i went back to work for a few days and to my surprise, lots of people went back....the staff room is getting crowded and the new teachers are really very siao know what i it has been a meaningful week for me as i finished setting all my papers and also helped Ms Rahma with her tasks....furthermore, i started picking up basketball and to my surprise, my skills have actually improved even though i didn't practice at all....MUST be GOD's Blessings, also, i am brushing up my jap skills recently as i took out all my revision books and started reading them....(hopeful of being like you...hahaha)

Oh well, it is getting rather late now, chat with with some other time and Ciao!!!


Anonymous said...

WAH..I think i saw sotong in ur food right?!?! Wah...I want i want i want also!!!!! Sotong...omo omo omo...!

Fleur De La Lune said...

hahhaha wanli is so funny....... sound so excited spotting a sotong...

dear sis...... felt u're very blessed over there in Japan, and really God is with you..... i just finished lunch in office, and felt stirred up in my appetite again as i saw your lunch.

but the most tangible feeling i am having right now is the Love and Concern between you and your neighbours and friends in Japan. Indeed, we humans should all be like this....

I miss u.......... still owe u a long letter....... got so many things to tell u....