Wednesday, September 06, 2006

5.10 pm

The sky is dark and looks threatening. It is raining here and this change is interesting and exciting for me. Last night was a cold night. Snuggled n tucked in comfortably, I slept well though I felt a little cold.

I am surrounded by so many people in the staff room. I can leave, but decided to stay back for a little while more to just blog an entry. Everyone is involved in some kinda work and chatter, talking about their classes, about their work... It just feels kinda surreal.

Mr Anpo, my colleague who sits beside me, is marking test papers. One of the students actually drew a Doraemon on the test paper. Haha, he showed me the cartoon and well... haha, students
are really students, whether in Japan or Singapore.

Mr Anpo is really a very nice and friendly teacher. He seeks to constantly improve himself and he is learning English. He reads the Time magazine and often tells me about the articles he has read. He asks me when he doesn't understand and I am just very encouraged by his desire to keep on learning and acquiring knowledge. Oh yes, and he is super helpful as well. He has helped me and Tom many times. He's sent me home, helped me look for tables, carried them home for me, bring me to the station in the rain... His mere presence beside me in the staff room, n his daily genki greetings do brighten my day. Thank you Anpo Sensei!

Anpo Sensei and me :D

And Knowledge is Power.

These days, I have started catching more news. I am teaching 2 Current Affairs English Classes, so it is actually good for me too. I have to keep abreast on what's happening and I go on CNN and BBC and read about what's happening around the world. Indeed, so many things happen everyday and as I read and reflect, I find myself getting more interested in these things. There is this article that I read titled 'Why we do what we do' and it talks about a senior correspondent, Bobby, who has covered Baghdad for the past 3 1/2 years. It was a very good article and got me thinking.

Why I do what I do.
Why do you do what you do?

And in the last paragraph, it was mentioned that Bobby likes to dine with his beloved wife who is 7000km away in Singapore. Wow... I was so touched as I read on. There was a picture of him eating in front of the webcam on his laptop, with his wife looking on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah haha..maybe you can regurgitate wat you've read to me before i sit fot my promos NE Current Affairs test! It'll save me a lot of trouble and time to catch the news and read the papers. I only managed to secure a C grade the last time =( but it wasn't too bad compared to the others..wahaha..ya, all the world world country country affairs are interesting! those politics and policies too..drives one crazy crazy..nuts nuts..haha