Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A horsy discovery

When we go buy our lunches at 7-11, Tom and I have to walk quite a distance downhill, and there is always this picture of a horse, hmm, a cartoon-like picture, staring at us, on our uphill walk back.

So, one day, we decided to explore the area a bit. We went through some hidden tracks, and ahha.. we discovered a stable! To me, it was a huge huge surprise. Tom wasn't so surprised.. cos he said there were horses in England, ahhhha, but to me, I was fascinated.

Some time back, I dreamt that I was on the ECP, on a horse, catching some armed robbers. I was really riding it, feeling the wind in my hair, galloping to nab those robbers. Haha, that was a strange dream... Well, if you ask me for my 3 favourite animals, I would tell u that they are "Dog, Horse and Bear". Well, when I really came face to face with one that day, it was a little scary though. They looked so huge! Enormous, especially their mouths. N the care-taker was feeding them, and so I took in all these and asked myself if I would dare to pet them or stroke them. Haha, in the end, I din have the guts to do that. The horses really have huge mouths!

Scared yet wanted to go nearer

Aiyoh, quite the best I could manage. Look at its mouth! It is actually very big!

And Brave Tom. He looks so at home with the horse!

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