Wednesday, January 29, 2025



It is Chinese New Year's eve, and after a very long day, I made it to the louhei dinner. It is Tuesday, and it means - mid-week, end-week is nearing. Thankfully, tomorrow is another Abu Dhabi day. 

I came back to Kenji on the couch, and he is just staring at me right now. I have already given him 2 treats. I wonder what this animal wants further. 

I don't think I can fall asleep any time soon. Suddenly, thinking about time and space, and what a parallel universe in Singapore would be doing now. Probably, sleeping after a heavy 团年饭。 Prob wondering how Day 1 and Day 2 visitations are going to be like, probably thinking about donning new clothes, and taking lotsa pictures, and maybe, for those who are going back to work, probably hoping that Day 2 will be rest and respite. It was a similar feeling that I have every year, during this season. 

CNY eve, and Day 1 - seems to be in a bubble of its own, and then tiredness at the end of the day. But still, a good getaway from the rushed pace of life. 

I decided to watch Tokyo Love Story - saw it on Netflix and was surprised. It is such an old show, and it is one of the very first Japanese shows that I watched, that touched me. And that's how I named Kenji Kenji too. It was at that particular point when Kanji asked Akana what was in her big bag, and she replied - 愛と希望。And I decided that I wanted to pause for a bit. And ponder what it means. In her context, she has unconsciously fallen for Kanji on the onset, and was carrying her love and hope with her, while Kanji was thinking about another. This drama and story unfolded in a very "love story" manner, and where in the end, Akana, the quirky, spontaneous, lively one, had to confront her own feelings, and so did Kanji, the silent, 木那, silly one. I don't remember the details anymore, but I recall I enjoyed the drama many many years back, and now, maybe I can understand what the director is saying, in a deeper manner. 

Love is the greatest of all. Faith, Hope, Love - these 3 abide, but Love is the greatest of all. 

The best way to start this CNY - is to focus on the greatest of all - Love. For without that, everything becomes meaningless. I will ponder about Love a bit more these next few days. Agape Love, and what that means to me.  

First time Lou Hei on CNY eve in 8 years, I believe. :))

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