Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Regenerative Sofa

Ha ha ha.
I think, everyone has that place in the house that regenerates, and we found ours.

This sofa is from Ikea, doesn't cost us much, but somehow, it has become the place to just take that required deep nap. We have to fight to decide who gets to rest in it.... and sometimes, it's trickery from me. It's a pretty strange thing - it's not like the sofa is ultra comfy, but... when the cushions are propped at the right angle, when the body is tired out from some tennis or exercise, the best best thing is to just take a snooze in it.

I call it - the Regenerative Sofa.
Haha - much about this sofa. I 偷拍。

And hor - Kenji loves to squeeze unto the sofa with us... and in between our legs too.
We need to get a larger regenerative sofa. 💗

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