Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rain n Dinner

This morning is a very cool and breezy one. The sky looks dark and it has just begun to rain. It's really so nice, especially after a month of stifling heat. The rain smells so sweet too; it's just like a time of refreshing. All activities ceased for a moment. The students stopped their training and ran for shelter. I too stopped for a moment and looked out at the fields.

Today, one of the teachers of my school will be giving me a party! Yay yay! N he has 3 adorable and lovely children. I am gonna enjoy myself.

Last night, Holly and I went to this very wondeful place to have our dinner. It's antiquated, n has been standing there for 30 years. It's really like what you have seen on TV programmes before. The brown, rusty Japanese inn, and when you go in, you see an old man and his wife serving dinner... there are tatami mats and low tables for people who want to drink sake and eat dinner, n those big clay jars / pots where they put vinegar, or sauce, or wine.

I had a very very nice dinner, with sanma fish and salmon. And lotsa other side dishes. Absolutely yummy. N there is this pumpkin stew too. Excellent!

He asked about our cultures and families. N he got mixed up and thought I was from Hong Kong and Holly from Singapore. When we went in and sat down, after a while, we realised that there was actually English music! It's really thoughtful of them. :)

Mi getting ready for my dinner! See that big beam on my face? I love fish! And with that raw salmon staring at me from the display, I couldn't help myself and I ordered an extra salmon dish. :-D

I thank God for Holly. Even though we have only known each other for about 3 weeks, the friendship has really blossomed. She's thoughtful, sensitive and caring. Reminds me very much of Xiaowei. :)

Sometimes, Blogger drives me nuts. It's so difficult to put in pictures or delete them. It just doesn't work!


Fleur De La Lune said...

i am flying... i am flying.... hahhaha..... dearest olen.... u're very much missed! ;o)

Anonymous said...

hello cher! elisa here!

you were saying blogger very hard to use when you wanna put or delete photos right? i dont know if you know how to use some simple html.. but if you know you can use this host for your photos.. the webby is www.photobucket.com .. you just dump everything in. hope my suggestion will help you??

olenju said...

Dear elisa

Thanks! I have yet to try photobucket. I will try it! n yup, I delete pictures by going to the html page. that's the only way i can do it. Hope you r getting on fine!

June said...

Yah... I move pictures in the html mode too... Using editing mode very hard to move photos :p