This morning, when I was running, I decided to listen to Kit Chan. And, this beautiful song popped up. Here, the season is changing too. It was getting warmer, and then this week, it became colder...
How apt... as I googled this song, I realized that it's also called Seasons, or at least, someone has translated it as that. The season is changing where I am too. From the cold winter, there is some warmth recently. Today was cloudy, maybe even some raindrops last night... but soon, it will become really hot. Such is the beauty of life. It can be grey for a while, but this too, shall pass. God has given us great strength. Today, I am reminded of the beautiful story of Lazurus, and how he was brought back to life when it seemed that all is lost. I am too, reminded by Victor Frankl's quote - He who has a why to live for, can bear almost any how.
I took out my guitar, decided to play this song. Fingers are painful as it's been a while, but... all worth it.