Sunday, February 21, 2021

My leg pain

Okay, it should be right foot pain.



Gotta rest the right foot for a while. I read online that it could be some tendon pull, or a misfit in the shoes. 

This whole day, I could hear the aero jets and I even managed to catch some displays of the jets. It's the defence exhibition, and it's a 10-15 min run from my place. 

I recall that when we first moved here and were staying at adnec area, we saw the exhibition for the first time. This year, the exhibition continued despite covid, and it's open to the public this week. As I explored this place on my sore feet, and rested at a nearby part, I saw some jet acrobatic displays too. Anything that seems to defy nature is always marvellous to watch. It wasn't just me. There were passers-by appreciating the display too. 

All part and parcel of this morning's running exploration. 
And the weekend's ending already. Tmr, another full work week ahead. Thankful, for the weekend and all it has brought, including a 久しぶり tennis session with Ernest and folks. Been so so long. :)

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