Saturday, January 02, 2021

Crossing over

I hear that it's been raining non-stop in Singapore as the year crosses over. :) I miss the smell, and the feel of rain. I saw a video of the downpour in Bishan... the bleak skies, the rain just pouring. 

In contrast, it is so sunny here, 7hrs away by flight. :)

Kenji decided to snooze and bask in the sun, right now. 💓

Crossing over into 2021, it's about new year resolutions again. 

I am still thinking about them. 

This morning, as I ran, I closed my eyes at a certain stretch and ran, and imagined what end Jan will bring about, what end Feb will bring about, and by 1Q 2021, a few tangible areas that I think I can see myself having done. :) 

A constant journey of preparation, and then the understanding and wisdom, and the paralysis of pessimism - all these I listened in my first sermon of the year yesterday - by Dr Ravi Zecharias. 

This morning, it was about the Son of God, Prayer, Kingship, by Pst Tan. And prayer being able to discern God's timing in my life, what His plans are unfolding and how I can move in partnership and alignment. :) 

As I ran and closed my eyes, I wondered if I had lived well in 2020. Have I, in Dec 2020, lived better than Jan 2020? :) Had such a long and good chat with YF yesterday afternoon, it was all so familiar - the encouraging of each other in Christ. :)

Especially in 2020, with less going out, with more time spent alone, I had started to take more pictures too. They capture that moment of brilliance, that moment of soul and emotion. 

The last dusk. The new dawn. 

The close of 2020. 2021 beckons.

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