Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Queen's Gambit

Such an enjoyable series to watch, and exciting at times. After MJ's - The Last Dance, this is the next series I enjoy very much on Netflix, and I finished the last episode "The End Game" tonight. 

Maybe it's that slightly rebellious and competitive streak in me, and in competitions - the tensions, that excitement and the anxiety. 

I really enjoyed the acting and the story, and the going back in time too. At one point, I googled and wondered if the character Beth Harmon was real. There was a 1983 novel of the same name, and the series was based on this. I was quite captivated by her piercing eyes, and the portrayal of emotions, the intensity, the focus - and her story of being an orphan and learning to play chess thru' a janitor, to being adopted by an alcoholic mum, to holding her own in the numerous competitions and life, while struggling with her own demons, the alcohol and pill addiction. And in the ending episode, the overcoming and the cheers of her friends who stood by her. This whole series is rich and complex, and explores the mind of a genius interwoven with insecurities and life's pains at different points. 

I just so enjoyed the series, and it was even more powerful, because I don't play chess. I imagined that if I knew the game, I would be even more hooked. 

Watched too the whole netflix production synopsis too - https://youtu.be/LzDhpEInMIg.                          And learnt about cinematography and set designs, and the possibly a little more about the film industry. It is just amazing to me.

This is really such a great end to an on-leave Monday. :)

My kind of chill :)

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