Sunday, August 02, 2020


#3 writing this long weekend. *Gasps* It's Sunday already. 

And... half-pro means exactly that. Top pro... and bottom, not so. :-D
I wonder how many folks are like me, where now in the WFH world of meetings and zooms, that we dress as much as much (or as minimum as we need to), to stay professional. Haaaa... or am I the only one who is generally the "half-pro"? 

I love this funnily-coined word. It was a word a zealous friend texted me when I sent her my "get-ready-to-take-part-in-panel" shot. Haha. She also said looks like Korean office lady? Because now they wear shorter shorts to the workplace? Hahaha. 

My legs have also become different colour tones. It's the result of different shoes on different hot days. :)

Am thankful - more seriously, that I had a chance to share some thoughts on higher education transformation with some European counterparts. This was a programme in Spain, and I've been in discussion with this young ed-tech entrepreneur since beginning of this year, mainly on CET, higher ed and ed-tech. On the discussion was also Pierre from Open Classroom - very cool e-learning solutions firms from France, where there's a lot of good work there too. And, another older gentleman.... who only spoke in Spanish and unfortunately I couldn't understand what he was saying. It was a really good session of discussions, QnA, with the spanish folks listening in collectively in their own class / lecture room. Thankful!! :)

And... still on the subject of being professionals and on online sharings, am very very proud of the interns in our team, and of Fiona, for the interns sharing with their graduating cohorts on the labour market Jobs-Skills analysis, the graduating cohorts' sentiments and anxieties and thereby, the resources, programmes and schemes we have to help them tide thru' this period. It was very encouraging to see the 3 interns work together closely in less than 1.5 months (amidst their other responsibilities) to put together this meaningful sharing.

And of course, must teach them, and ensure that they look at least.... Half-Pro. :-D
And with the SSG backdrop too. 

So, it's been an amazing work week and *gasps*, it's back to another packed week ahead very soon. :)

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