It's the time of the year for 2019 reflections, and hopes and aspirations moving into 2020. I am one of the many millions in the world thinking about life - the year passed, and the new year.
How shall I sum up my 2019? It's been a hell-of-a-year, with some super extreme emotions, and I will remember a few dates very very clearly. Too much to spell out, but super poignant dates, to remind myself that it's not me, but He who lives in me - His love, His grace, His blessings, His forgiveness.
This year has been one that marks growth and where I needed to re-calibrate and re-focus many many times.
I was glad - that the concept of home - no longer weighed on me so much. I remember that the transition into this kind of remote living and working was one where I felt a little lost at times, thinking about the returns to and fro, and the good-byes once in a while. Maybe this year, I have accepted that this would be the way it would be, if I choose to continue to enjoy the work I do. Maybe the "just-do-it", live in the moment, enjoy the time and experience, thank God for the ability to see new worlds and new experiences help. I really started to enjoy both the SG and AD stays - and it helps so much that I have really good friends I can count on and live life with on both sides.
I was glad too - that work continued to work out fine. Admittedly, several parts were tough. The China trip in July was one that brought about some sleepless nights, but that turned out well. Several times, I wondered, prayed and thought about N - and that too, turned out well. To each ending would be a new beginning. Futures Office now works with a much larger unit, and that's a blessing in itself too - the mainstreaming of work and having more colleagues to spar ideas and discuss. There were certainly many episodes of haphazard hours, insightful travels and learning, and most of all, perhaps, as I step into 2020, I want to have a certain ease and focus more on learning and being.
I was again glad and super thankful, for family and friends. Actually, relationships are fundamental, and needless to describe and talk about. My life wouldn't be complete without the many good friends who have made such a difference - The Sabies, Zeals, DDDs, SYs, Lesters, Ernests... some of them more htht, others are kakis who can just spend time together. And my mum and sisters, my in-laws, the CHC family, the work family. How can I ever be more grateful?
And for my health - this year - I fell sick once - just right before July China trip, and was down with food poisoning. And once is one time too many. I'd not take for granted my health, and I am thankful that I have lived well, ran many MRs, swam many legs. And that I've transited successfully to a one-hand forehand, though I certainly still need many many more hours.
I am also very glad for new horizons, new experiences - Bhutan was fabulous and time slowed down. Israel was eye-opening and reinforced the chutzpah. Lebanon was beautiful and felt like a moment in time between the past and present. China was breathtaking, fun and so modern and beautiful - I'd definitely want to visit again. And Sharjah - was a good reflective time. I also felt like a tourist once again in this last week, when SY came, and we once again, toured both Abu Dhabi and Dubai. I am thankful that this year's travels was made so enriching and beautiful, and each travel would always remind me of God's creation and beauty in nature and culture.
I am thankful for my dearest steveywonder and kenji. One has lost a tremendous amount of weight; the other has gained some. The miracle of the body and understanding the science behind that must be the best ever gift Steve received this year. It was just too amazing. And my dear Kenji has put on 1kg. But 1kg out of 10kg is 10%. That.... is a tad too much for him. But - Kenji is such such love to me. My heart just warms up so much when I think about him.
There's way too much to be thankful for - for 2019.
I joked that in Dec, social media feeds are all Japan, Japan, Korea, Japan, Korea, Japan, and then maybe once in a while, some BKK, some Taiwan. This is truly a beautiful time to wind down and spend quality time with family and friends, and for some deeper reflections.
This next 48 hours shall be some further meditation, for the Word of God that will guide my life, for the faith, aspirations and hope that I shall have in 2020.
I pray - that I will always be excited about life, and passionate and curious about the many blessings and doors that God will bring my way. That I will always be able to meaningfully make a difference to the ones around me, that there will always be wide-eye wonder to discover life's journey, that there will be greater wisdom and I can navigate life and its meanderings, that I continue to find favour with the different ones around me, that I will always seek to live right and do the right things, and that my family and loved ones will continue to be in good health.
Most of all, I pray that in all those areas that I do not, and cannot understand, that I can continue to trust God's heart and not lean on my own understanding. That I will never grow discouraged or faint-hearted or weary in life's journey, that I keep Him as my Abba Father who knows the very very best for me, and that I stay and do my very best in Him, for Him. It's hard to express - the sum of my life in 2020 - may it be one that magnifies God's love, presence and goodness.
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