Tuesday, December 31, 2019

买东西,吃东西,谈谈心 @ 阿布扎比

The writing bug is coming on a little too furious. I feel like I can write so many posts today, and maybe tomorrow.

Just did a run, and I've seen so many folks post the XXX of the decade, the XXX of the year, so mine shall be the last (or 2nd last run) of the decade, and with my very unwilling Kenji. Haha.

But so so so much love. :-D He is a smart cookie. He purposely refuses to look into the camera. It's just him. He doesn't like to do what we tell him to. And that's why - I like him all the more. :-D

And it is a 买东西,吃东西,谈谈心 @ 阿布扎比 post, because this Nike blue top - I got it at a steal - only 45 AED (SGD$16), at the Dubai Outlet Mall, all thanks to SY!

It's been an incredible incredible one week with her. I think of all the friends who came, she came at the superb time. Because it was timed so well (intentionally, secretly, under wraps with Steve), and they both tried to hide it from me... but they kinda... failed. :-D

How would they have succeeded? I need to get ready all the bedding, comforter, mattress, pillows, right? 1st night @ our place. 🧡

Anyway, it was a really really fun trip. Apart from all the must-sees (aka - the mosque, the lourve museum, the desert, a trip to Dubai), it is really 买东西,吃东西,谈谈心.

Look - at the bags and the amount of shopping. To be honest, she doesn't really shop. We brought her shopping, and we ended up buying. How can that be? But... the flood gates opened the 2nd last day. Once she started, it became 2 pairs of jeans, I think 4 pairs of shoes, a dress, some pants, etc, etc, etc. So happy.

And K thinks that all of these are his. Look at that evil face of his. But he's got his own crocodile christmas present too - torn to shreds in quick timing.

And she bought her first pair of NMDs. Soooo beautiful. And that was followed by a Superstar, and then a Clarks, and I think there's 1 more?

So yes, we shopped a lot, mostly at YAS mall and Dubai Outlet. Apart from shopping, we took pics with the must-takes - the Ferrari World, but what I really want to do is to do the sky-diving. They have it in Sentosa, and I've been wanting to try it for a while. Maybe I can do it next time in YAS Mall. Apparently, this is the highest in the world.

When-O-when. 2020 Goal.

The Ferrari Faces. The stand beside a Ferrari pose.

And the amount of food we ate in the last week - it was so so good, but we'll need to cut fat soon. December is a month of feasting really. It's actually not just the big meals. We had fun times eating at home too. I cooked my salmon for her. Also, we had cheese cakes (my very first few forays into eating cheescake, and I ate it like a mouse - and thankfully, it is getting better). :-D. And we had 2 hotpot buffets, korean food galore, chinese food, international buffets, etc, etc, etc.

My 拿手好菜,家常便饭。It is so delicious. :-D

Food Food Food. And Food Again. Too many food pics - all the yummy memories.

And needless to say, with so much food, the sporty her and the sporty me just have to weave in some physical activities right. So we swam and froze, we gymed... and we played badminton - and she's a national champ and therefore, erm, chicken feet for her with the guys here. And there's quite some common friends between her and Ernest.

The 2 badminton players - both got the seh.

And 1 of us without the badminton seh.
And Steve had to remark that she must be so so so badly injured when IAL won a badminton game against OPD many years back (I was in the IAL mixed doubles team that won). Terrible Steve, but loads of chuckles and good memories.

And then, she had 1 tennis lesson with Omar, and then with the boys and me. Haha - 有些人就是那么厉害。Intuitively, the court sense, the slices, the Federer-alike backhand pose. Too impressive. :)) I really had a lot of fun and laughter.

This time - it's not me without the seh.
And if you wonder why 1 is sleeveless and the other is long-sleeved, it's because in Pic 1, I "geh-kiang" and wanted to get the sun since it was about 12noon, and in Pic 2, it was cold.... in the morn at 8am. :-D. (The temp here goes up to 26 deg in the day, and drops to 16 in early morn and night.)

The happiest of all times really is just the time spent together. Love the trip to the desert, and laughing ourselves silly trying to get on that camel, trying to walk up the sand dunes, and keeping our vomit in the stomach in the 4-wheel ride bash. Love the chats into the night with wine and with Kenji by our feet. Love watching Hachiko together and sniffing a little at the loyalty and faithfulness. Love the chats, the sharings, the spending time together.

So so fun - the poses are hilarious.

And we were in a car like this, shrouded in sand, and with puke coming up the throats.
I always say I would not do it again, but still, how not to, when friends come? :-D

And spending time, feeling cold together in the desert.

And walking K together. :)) Watching Hachiko together. Singing some Karaoke, eating cheescake together, watched soccer clips and 神雕 and 倚天屠龙记。

And that's why now we need to cut fat. Another 2020 goal to live more healthily.

And because it's Christmas, surely, there must be Christmas trees, and gift exchanges?

Christmas by the golf course

Christmas at Etihad Tower, and at YAS.

It's the best time of the year. :))

And we attended service during Christmas eve too - how beautiful, the Isaiah verses. :) He truly is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Faster, the Prince of Peace.

And because SY is sporty and can walk non-stop, we walked to so many places - the mosque, the small beachfront, and clocked numerous steps. It was my first walk to the mosque from Rihan, and it's revelational to me that there's now an underpass to the mosque. :-D I wondered where all the crowd had gone to... and then realized they are all underground now.

So so beautiful. The blue hues against the setting sun. :))

And so, we had so much so much fun together. There's so much to remember, and I thank God that it was a very good trip. It's a 9-day visit that was fulfilling and packed, and yet restful. One that was filled with much activities, and yet there was an ease. Fun and enjoyable, and body-soul-spirit all taken care of. :))

I am certainly thankful to God for this last segment of 2019. This is another testament of God's faithfulness in our lives, for a friend is truly a gift from God. I pray that this gift of friendship continues to flourish, and that we would continue encouraging each other and build each other up (1 Thess 5:11) and be that sister's keeper. I shall look forward to more massages and BKTs and BCMs and Scissors rice when I am back in SG!

And a post-script to this - SY made a video and captured all the beautiful memories. 💗

Monday, December 30, 2019

The time of the year for reflections

It's the time of the year for 2019 reflections, and hopes and aspirations moving into 2020. I am one of the many millions in the world thinking about life - the year passed, and the new year.

How shall I sum up my 2019? It's been a hell-of-a-year, with some super extreme emotions, and I will remember a few dates very very clearly. Too much to spell out, but super poignant dates, to remind myself that it's not me, but He who lives in me - His love, His grace, His blessings, His forgiveness.

This year has been one that marks growth and where I needed to re-calibrate and re-focus many many times.

I was glad - that the concept of home - no longer weighed on me so much. I remember that the transition into this kind of remote living and working was one where I felt a little lost at times, thinking about the returns to and fro, and the good-byes once in a while. Maybe this year, I have accepted that this would be the way it would be, if I choose to continue to enjoy the work I do. Maybe the "just-do-it", live in the moment, enjoy the time and experience, thank God for the ability to see new worlds and new experiences help. I really started to enjoy both the SG and AD stays - and it helps so much that I have really good friends I can count on and live life with on both sides.

I was glad too - that work continued to work out fine. Admittedly, several parts were tough. The China trip in July was one that brought about some sleepless nights, but that turned out well. Several times, I wondered, prayed and thought about N - and that too, turned out well. To each ending would be a new beginning. Futures Office now works with a much larger unit, and that's a blessing in itself too - the mainstreaming of work and having more colleagues to spar ideas and discuss. There were certainly many episodes of haphazard hours, insightful travels and learning, and most of all, perhaps, as I step into 2020, I want to have a certain ease and focus more on learning and being.

I was again glad and super thankful, for family and friends. Actually, relationships are fundamental, and needless to describe and talk about. My life wouldn't be complete without the many good friends who have made such a difference - The Sabies, Zeals, DDDs, SYs, Lesters, Ernests... some of them more htht, others are kakis who can just spend time together. And my mum and sisters, my in-laws, the CHC family, the work family. How can I ever be more grateful?

And for my health - this year - I fell sick once - just right before July China trip, and was down with food poisoning. And once is one time too many. I'd not take for granted my health, and I am thankful that I have lived well, ran many MRs, swam many legs. And that I've transited successfully to a one-hand forehand, though I certainly still need many many more hours.

I am also very glad for new horizons, new experiences - Bhutan was fabulous and time slowed down. Israel was eye-opening and reinforced the chutzpah. Lebanon was beautiful and felt like a moment in time between the past and present. China was breathtaking, fun and so modern and beautiful - I'd definitely want to visit again. And Sharjah - was a good reflective time. I also felt like a tourist once again in this last week, when SY came, and we once again, toured both Abu Dhabi and Dubai. I am thankful that this year's travels was made so enriching and beautiful, and each travel would always remind me of God's creation and beauty in nature and culture.

I am thankful for my dearest steveywonder and kenji. One has lost a tremendous amount of weight; the other has gained some. The miracle of the body and understanding the science behind that must be the best ever gift Steve received this year. It was just too amazing. And my dear Kenji has put on 1kg. But 1kg out of 10kg is 10%. That.... is a tad too much for him. But - Kenji is such such love to me. My heart just warms up so much when I think about him.

There's way too much to be thankful for - for 2019.
I joked that in Dec, social media feeds are all Japan, Japan, Korea, Japan, Korea, Japan, and then maybe once in a while, some BKK, some Taiwan. This is truly a beautiful time to wind down and spend quality time with family and friends, and for some deeper reflections.

This next 48 hours shall be some further meditation, for the Word of God that will guide my life, for the faith, aspirations and hope that I shall have in 2020.

I pray - that I will always be excited about life, and passionate and curious about the many blessings and doors that God will bring my way. That I will always be able to meaningfully make a difference to the ones around me, that there will always be wide-eye wonder to discover life's journey, that there will be greater wisdom and I can navigate life and its meanderings, that I continue to find favour with the different ones around me, that I will always seek to live right and do the right things, and that my family and loved ones will continue to be in good health.
Most of all, I pray that in all those areas that I do not, and cannot understand, that I can continue to trust God's heart and not lean on my own understanding. That I will never grow discouraged or faint-hearted or weary in life's journey, that I keep Him as my Abba Father who knows the very very best for me, and that I stay and do my very best in Him, for Him. It's hard to express - the sum of my life in 2020 - may it be one that magnifies God's love, presence and goodness.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How could I...?

Tonight is certainly a very reflective night.
It felt like I had a great great day, first time in Sharjah, and sharing my passion and my work with the audience in a fireside chat, but as I reflected, I wondered how I could have done better.

How could I have been sharper and more focused in the delivery?
How could I have engaged the audience better?
How could I have articulated the points better?
How could I have ignited further passion, influenced more?
How could I have become a better speaker and presenter?
How could I have been more composed and have more presence?
etc. etc. etc.

It is these moments of reflection and the next steps that will help me become a better me.
I would seek to have this growth mindset gird my life.

And then I think about the concepts of being bold, YOLO, try and try failing and try again. The making an impact, the whole concept of purpose and calling. This was shared by another speaker.

I recently discussed with Steve this bit about purpose, and he shared something he learnt that was pretty powerful to me. Purpose comes with the handling of responsibilities. I thought that was so true. If you can handle the responsibilities of being a mum, you naturally feel a sense of purpose towards motherhood, and towards wanting to give your child the very best, and it becomes purposeful. If I start to shoulder responsibilities and own these responsibilities, knowing that I can drive things, be accountable and responsible for the outcomes, that becomes very purposeful to me, and I would feel that sense of achievement and loss that comes with its success or lackthereof.
It's such a good way to think about what purpose is. To start by taking on responsibilities expected of you in your stage and season of life, and to do one's best at that.

Multiple thoughts, multiple reflections tonight.

Once again, am super thankful for my day, and to my wonderful and supportive boss, who stretches us and provides the space for growth.
And to my fireside chat partner, Nancy - for the fun and the camaraderie we had on stage. It was certainly a great time of learning, discussing, sparring and sharing of ideas! And of course, sporting a new hairstyle before and after the interview!


And after - the hair stylist just did 1 style - for all the speakers who went to her. So, we all look the same thereafter. :-D

Saturday, December 07, 2019


The weather has become cooler. I am so happy to be back in Abu Dhabi though it's been an incredible last 3 months. Deepening of friendships, new learning experiences, closer ties with loved ones, the different travels - very thankful. 

However, I do feel a little tired. And I am now a little under the weather after Beijing and all its goodness. Hence, today is so good. Finally, a first run after in about 3 weeks? Jokingly, I told some dearest friends I need to get back my fitness, else next time I will have to chase after them very hard. 

It was so good to sweat it out in the gym. It's now much cooler here in Abu Dhabi. I did both the stepper and the treadmill. Super good to sweat and lovin' it. 

And I have to say good-bye to the pool for now.... and there was no one. I would have loved to jump in, but the sane me says no. Or I will need the hair dryer to warm me up after the dip. 

Beijing must have been the highlight in the last 2 weeks. 
It was freezing cold; we saw the snow and its marvelous white spleen. :) 感觉实在不同。

好美。And we could see the Forbidden City from our hotel room. We went to the famous 延禧宫。There were so so many people in that particular 宫, really made famous by the Chinese drama. 

延禧宫 was destroyed by a fire; still the throngs were there to take a look, including the most eager me. :-D

And thinking about the snow - Steve said he hasn't walked the streets before in 初雪。So we decided to walk down the streets. :) I asked him if the walk felt like he imagined. :)) Like dating days? We just laughed so loud. 

I was in Beijing with SJ, Derrick and Doreen to understand the edtech landscape. And it was a tremendous 1 week. It added on to the July China trip, and undoubtedly, China's influence will continue to rise. The people and culture continue to intrigue me. I wonder how my life would have changed if I'd continued in HCJC many years ago on the LEP. Maybe it would have taken a different route - and not that I think my current path is anything less - but I wonder. The many "ifs". :)

The EP Programme Team. :)

I love that there's so much creativity in mankind and humanity. The Beijing learning reinforced it  keenly. It starts with 1 idea - and many a times - thru' the English Teacher - who was just teaching and saw the great need. The idea germinated, the business expanded, the business model morphed, the creative pedagogical approaches, the pervasive application of technologies, and I'd think - the 天时地利人和 - and the idea became a business that profits, and benefits the learners and society. :) I really enjoyed the sharing and appreciated the creating. 

And I enjoyed listening to the Chinese language too. I think back to the days when we used to 写作文, 背成语, 写笔记, etc. Unfortunately, most of us Singaporeans don't really use the language much, and while there's no problem understanding conversations, the engaging in conversation proficiently in the language is a different matter. So I started watching Chinese dramas a while before the trip. And... got intrigued by one particular song. 


And China was both work and play. 
It was most memorable that we scaled the Great Wall @ Mutianyu. 
It was a ruined and untouched part of the wall, and basically, there was no one except us and the guide. 
I loved it. We walked and trekked until we reached the very end. The edge of the world perhaps?
Some tourists were on the helicopter and we waved to them. 好一段路,好一种不同的感觉。

Thankful for SJ and KL. :) KL's wonderful red gloves made a difference. 

And this afternoon is restful and reflective. China too, came and went. The forbidden city, tiananmen, the hutongs, the beijing ducks, the sights and scenes - we had them all. :)  
Sometimes, I look back at the climb, or of all the other adventures I've had before in my life, and I know that God's protection is real. For Mutianyu, I am sure all of us enjoyed the view, the climb, the history and the cold... but 1 mis-step would land us somewhere else. So TYJ for protection always. 

And Christmas is just round the corner. 1 more short trip next week and I'm done with the travels this year. It's going to be a wonderful wonderful Christmas season 2019. 💗

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The season is changing

How time flies, and I returned to Abu Dhabi 2 nights ago. The familiar Etihad jingle, the familiar goodbyes with good friends at the airport, and the touching down at yet once again, the familiar Abu Dhabi airport.

Tonight, I am just in the "neither-here-nor-there" mood; I can't really describe how I am feeling now, as it's a mixture of "coming back and yet gonna leave for China tomorrow" feeling. In the quiet of the night tonight, I thought perhaps the weather sums up how I feel pretty nicely. Today, it is cloudy and windy, with a light drizzle throughout. The skies were pretty grey, and it signals the turn of the season. Summer has whizzed by and I do not know if there's autumn here in the UAE (at least I didn't feel it), and the temperature has dropped to about 22 deg now. The cooler months are being ushered in. It's a kind of nostalgic feeling, a little quieter, a little more sombre, and yet a cooler relief.

The looming clouds at 2pm today, as we drove out for lunch. This stretch is the Anantara stretch and packs some nice hotels and restaurants.

Super glad that despite being back for just 2 days, I managed to have dinner with Robert and JC. It's timely as JC came into AD from the States for this period. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to join in the event in the next few days, but still, catching up was so good. We have been brewing a little idea. Let's see how and where this adventure will lead us.

I just had to chuckle. Hahaha. They are so so tall and so so gigantic. I look like a midget. Robert made a promise to me - that one day, I will meet Michael Jordan in person.
So thankful for a great check-in with them both last night.

The season is changing indeed.
Last season in Singapore was too much filled with love and buzz, with quality time spent with my mum, with good friends galore and working with a group of newer colleagues.
Some parts of SG memories really will remain etched in my heart - of knowing how God has brought much kindness, love and clarity into my life, and brought times of refreshing as I journey through my challenges and struggles.
This season in Abu Dhabi shall be one of the calm, peace, hope, love and joy of God. :)

So, the last season in Singapore is one that I shall remember so fondly.

My mum and me - really happy. Same dress and just hanging out together. I asked her what she wanted to do and eat. And she said she has no preference. So off we go, mini mum-and-me adventure to East Coast Park. :)) So happy, to just talk, fellowship, eat, laugh, encourage each other in God's Word

And as Daphne said - this trip just seems a tad a tad more special. It remains a mystery how I can ever know friends like them. We spent so many nights talking and hearing each other out. We sparred, we discussed, we encouraged. And to Daph - the DDDs in my room (I mean your room), and in the living room that long night, is testament to God's love in my life. A good friendship certainly refreshes the soul.

And perhaps, also special was the SSG DnD. I haven't joined in the DnD since I moved to Abu Dhabi. This time, it was just timely. Together with the larger SDG, we had a blast. This DnD is also CE's last DnD with us as he will move on to a new portfolio. So fun to just laugh and enjoy the night with colleagues and friends.

Hahaha. Decked in Safrah's daughter's secondary school uniform, our division was about returning back to school. And with Gillian - when we so fondly remembered how we helmed the DnD together a few years back.
In any case, students nowadays seem to love a drink.

I also ran a fair bit more in the last 2-3 weeks, clocking 5 consecutive runs early Nov. I needed those runs, and it was record-breaking for me to manage to steal time to run consecutive days. I ran with colleagues, with close friends, and I ran alone - at MR and at the Marina Bay Area. So beautiful! Running is always the antidote to negative emotions for me.

How how beautiful. This was a run I did alone just before DnD, 8 Nov 2019. Beautiful beautiful evening at the Marina Barrage. My Huawei is really cool.

As I tap away, it's also almost 930pm already. Safe from the actual luggage packing, I am almost ready for China. I look forward to the next 1 plus week of learning about the AI and EdTech Learning ecosystem in China, as well as the short Beijing exploration holiday thereafter.

It's gonna be a really good December season 2020. :)