やっとチャイニーズニューイヤーの休日は昨日まで終わった。。今日から皆の仕事を始めて なァァァァ 今朝起きた時 ある一つ考えがあっただけ。。いやァァァァ!!! どうして素晴らしい時間はそんなに早く経つか? もし一つ願いがあれば もちろん過去に立ち戻って まだ水曜日の夕食時を戻りたい。
ふふふ 写真を見るとちょっと私の願いを適うかな?
水曜日の夕食は あのチャイニーズニューイヤーの前夜で家族の皆が集まって一緒に食事を食べる習慣です。どんなに忙しいけど 遠いけど 皆はできる限りに帰って 喜んで話しながら 食事する。
もう一日を経って。。昨日は 書く途中突然に忙しくなってきたから 書けなかった。今続きます。
先週の水曜日の夕食の写真。残念ながら 今年お父さんと一年下のい妹はいなかった。代わりにマレーシアの母方のおじさんが来て 一緒にその時間を楽しんで過ごした。
This is a picture of my youngest sis. :) She's very sweet and such a dearie at times.
Yup, anyway, I have decided to switch to English this morn. There's nothing very much that I want to write... I'll just upload some pictures. However, tonight, Nobuko and Mana will be joining me and some security guys at East Coast Park and I think it'll be great fun and fellowship. Pray for good weather ne!
Ok... some eclipses of the past few days.
Steve and his security buddies at a "Lau Yu Sheng" session
Star Dish of the Season
Funny Faces
Some of us went to June and Hong's house for a gathering and Nobuko and Mana were with us. Their house is breezy and has a nice panoramic view of the central area of Singapore. Ey, and their house is tastefully and simplistically designed with shades of different pastel hues. Very nice!! :)
Well, on a side note, house-shopping and hunting can be exciting and great fun... whahahhahaa. :)
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