Then, I took out my notebook
I started to scribble
I know not what I wrote
The pages started to fill
So much to write
So much to say
Yet so hard to verbalise
What's on my mind
I can dispense advice
But how does that apply
When it's my own life?
Running last evening
I saw the beauty
The sun's rays diminishing
The waters reflecting
With Mr M later
We talked about life
Zap Chai* and Chicken
With some fat, yellow fries
Out thoughts, our musings
2 individuals' lives
Our dreams, our desires,
So similar, so divine
In the bus I did wonder
Why in God's presence,
simply beyond human reason,
There is comfort and encouragement
And I feel strong, tall..
Like a giant
Yet many times, I do struggle,
Just like, just like... the... Grasshopper.
King Soloman, the wisest man says
"To enjoy your work
And accept life's lot -
That's really indeed
A gift from God."
Life is beautiful; life is short
Time is constant, a moment in thought
There is no flow, these lines of words
The letters and alphabets, the punctuations and pauses
They are all trying to capture
My very randomness
Zap Chai is a kind of meal, chinese food. You can get it at any Mixed Vegetable Rice stall and お好みに, you can choose what you want to eat, e,g. beancurd with tao gei, plus gu-lu-yok and maybe fried vegetables and then, you eat it along with rice or porridge. :-D
Life is beautiful; life is short
Time is constant, a moment in thought
There is no flow, these lines of words
The letters and alphabets, the punctuations and pauses
They are all trying to capture
My very randomness
Dear ah ne, I really like your sentence. Very poetic.
Dear Wei
Thank you. :)
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