Saturday, July 08, 2017

Kenji arrives safely

Last few nights before leaving were sleepless nights for me. Honestly, this one month in SG - I had various "up-down" emotions. Got to know some new people and met so many different ones daily that I felt I had no time to think, but yet, I know some of these relationships would be for a long time to come. I wonder - would I really get used to a new life even when I feel and confess that I would? 

Can I be so honest - that it is scary when I do not know what the future holds for us, for me, and especially on my work front. But I choose to have faith and trust in God. I appreciate Meng How and Lynda, and the many different ones who spoke into my life. Live in the moment, be happy and enjoy this experience, trust God and His plans will unfold. This is a step into some deep unknown for me; the searching, seeking, and then finding will come. 

And Daphieee... she was the incessant figure in my life this month. Amazing how God works, and how through her, I saw great great strength, faith and love. As much as she loves how we could talk about anything, especially issues of life that are not much discussed, I'd like her to know it's the same on my end. Thanks for being such a great friend Daphieee. Life is just more exciting with you around. Even unglam times like washing together are a great joy! Please help me tell Dr Nelson I've been good, trying not to cross my legs. But how come I still have soreness??? Please tell him to give me discounted rate next time.

And Lynn, thanks for being a really wonderful friend in my life throughout the years. The dinner last week - sums up all my love and gratitude for you. I'm glad we could hug, share, talk throughout the years. :)

So, my first week here went by pretty fine, especially when Kenji arrived. He took no time getting used to the place, and was pretty much settled in by the second day. We knew this because he started growling at other dogs, chasing after tennis balls, giving us the "sian" face. And when he looks out of the window, sees another dog.. he starts growling. I love it when he stares contemplatively out of the window, when he sits down in one corner and thinks he is the king of this world, when he snuggles up to us and just rests. I love it that he has an experience in both Singapore and Abu Dhabi. I love it that I can take care of him and meet all his needs. 

And as I pen these thoughts, I just watched service online. Thought that today's sermon was just one that is impossible to preach.... it is beyond understanding - how could one ever comprehend the amount of love that God has for us? It cannot be merely through a sermon. May I fall in love with Jesus over and over again.
"The cross is about God who has everything falling in love with me who has nothing. If I had not done anything wrong or had been perfect, I would never have understood His great love." - Sun, 20170708

Finally, it is a blessing to just be with Steve again. We are a work-in-progress and I pray that regardless, we will conquer life's challenges and more milestones together, and live life together.