It's been a while. Maybe a decade. How time flies, and I would never ever ever imagine that I would live in Abu Dhabi. Japan, yes. Countries like US, Canada, Australia, yes... Middle East? Never imagined that this would happen.
But yes, here I am. It's been about 6 months since Steve came over. And I am here and there, between SG and ABD, and likely, will make the more permanent move in Q3 2017.
Today, I muse about many things. It's Friday. I would have been so glad in SG, knowing that the work week has come to an end, and with CG, that would mark an accomplished week, laying before the Lord everything I've done, believing for fruitfulness. And it was like that for the past 10 years, 8 years in WDA/SSG; where with the routine a normalcy sets in, where with the routine, life goes on and on - each week pretty much the same as the last, some weeks tougher, some weeks more exhilarating, some weeks very painful, some weeks in triumph.
In ABD, at least for now, it's pretty different. I reflect. I think about what would become (sometimes what could have become), what could become, and try to paint and imagine a future. I realised that I cannot rush things even if it were in my nature to do so. I learnt patience. I learn to live in the moment, and daily, I take time to thank God. I make plans, but in transitional periods like now, I don't really know how our tomorrow would become, and so, with that uncertainty would also be a certain faith and rest in God.
So I thought, perhaps I would resurrect the blog. And in time to come, journal God's faithfulness in my life, in Steve's life, step-by-step.