Olenju is perplexedI am now taking a break. Listening to the radio, surfing, n saw my students' blogs, thanks to Ting Chun! And quite a few of them too. Saw the C Girls bballers! It's interesting to read their entries! Haha, makes me feel like writing too.
I am perplexed because I am
FOREVER packing my room. It's never-ending! Enigma... Well, strangely, I do enjoy packing, and maybe that's the problem. Because I will always stop to look at the things on my cluttered table. I'll always pause for very long, wondering if I should throw or keep them, and then decide that I will decide on it later...
Another reason would be that I would get super distracted. I'd feel tired after a while and would surf the net, chat on MSN, and occasionally, when a very nice song plays, I would get very
EMO, n melancholic... and then I'd really go on to do other things, leaving my mess the way it was.
Sometimes, despite feeling disgusted at the mess (Bro ZW called it the organised mess), and having the conviction to tidy the room again, and the fact that I did try to focus on clearing and cleaning, it somehow doesn't get done... It's really quite weird... SIGH
Yet, the rewards at the end keep me going. It's the clean and clear table top that keeps me going. That's why I am in a perpetual state of cleaning. There were times when I had a really neat room and table and I would feel so proud and happy! It's a sense of achievement just to sit at my table doing work at those times... It's really a nice feeling to savour!
Now I am sitting amidst my mess. I dunno how I can manage to get ready in time for Japan. Lots to pack. Yet it shall be done. I am right now very focused on getting my room in order and I shall try my very best. GANBATTE!