Sunday, October 13, 2024


This Sunday evening, as the weekend draws to a close, I decided to do a stock take of these last few weeks. :)

My thoughts will be random, all over, because honestly, everything is connected to everything else, and as I think about one thing, I am also thinking about many multiple things. 

I just did some pieces of work; many times, I still marvel at this opportunity given to me, and the last 3 weeks have been good. I will continue to learn fast, and be myself and do my best. 

I was wondering how I can cope with the long travel. I think I am still trying, but it has gotten better. The concept of a "protected time", just like when I am in the airplane - I can use the time productively too - to rest if I need to, and to read and catch up on news. And then, to tell myself to look forward to the days in AD office, almost like how we look forward to weekend coming concept. The mind is marvelous, because once it changes perspectives, we feel better and can cope with anything. 

And today, this morning, I ran too. They were playing badminton, but I have not yet found the motivation to play badminton on a Sunday morning with the big group. Maybe one day, I will. Just not now yet. I thought I could get a tennis slot this morning, but again, alas, it was not to be. But, I tell myself, Ok, breathe. If it's not meant to be, then just find another way. 

These last few weeks, I have been pleasantly surprised and touched. They come in the form of many different ways. I received little gifts. I am not really a "gift" person. But still, I know, I always know that God encourages me in even these littlest things. 

Blessed - by a beautiful bouquet. So so so surprised. And, many paths will cross. One lady I met recently mentioned that she thinks I will be here, for a while. Who knows. :)

Blessed - with a painting and a handwritten note by Ghaya. I was really happy. I look forward to the day I will do bbq at her house. "Even in the belly of the whale, there would be hope". It is the story of Jonas. 

Blessed too - by this delivery - What I talk about when I talk about running. I consciously asked myself this during this weekend's run. I was thinking so many so many random things, even wondering what songs will appear on my YTM - fast one, slow one, or what. But primarily, I think I think about people I care for. I pray for them. I also focus on the sermon I listen to. But, I am enjoying the book so far. 

And, blessed - that I can run. So since, I am talking about running, so many running episodes these last 3 weeks. Here goes.

Blessed too - by a friendship that spanned many decades, for the time and effort to come by to AD to just have a meal. 

Blessed too - by good meals, by good friendships, by Zann and Jerry who love Noodle Bowl - and for taking time to come down all the way today to just eat lunch, by funny dinners in a box,  :-D

TYJ. Capturing all that I feel, at this moment. TYJ. 

And my favourite song at this moment.

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